Robinson's Arch is the name given to an arch that once stood at the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount. It is informally called the "egalitarian" or Conservative or Liberal part of the Wall as that is where Liberal Jews can pray in mixed minyan - men and women together. Women can wear tallit and tefillin, read from the Torah and take leadership walls. I feel very comfortable at Robinson's Arch. But then again, I also feel comfortable much of the time at the main part of the wall, though I do greatly resent the fact that it has been hijacked by one section of Judaism - the ultra orthodox, and that I am not allowed to pray or dress as I feel is my right as a fully equal Jewish woman.
That being said, one morning the Conservative Yeshiva davened shacharit at Robinson's Arch. It was beautiful being able to daven at a place of such history in whatever manner I was moved to at that moment. Though I was wearing my tallit and tefillin and did have a siddur, I must admit I spent most of my time meditating. My thoughts centered on the awesomeness of the confluence of the space and time and company in which I was praying. So okay, maybe it was a bit too early in the morning for me, but still, you get the picture :)
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